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KOR Reads

KOR Reads

The New York Times: Trump’s Legal Farce Is Having Tragic Results

Even as the campaign lawsuits brought by President Trump over the 2020 election enter their death throes, many people continue to worry that Mr. Trump will find three Republican legislatures to magically snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. They are concerned that he will pull off an antidemocratic hat trick through maneuvers like delaying recounts in…
Richard L. Hasen
November 23, 2020
KOR Reads

Wall Street Journal: Trump Campaign Wants States to Override Electoral Votes for Biden. Is That Possible?

The Trump campaign is pursuing a strategy to have Republican-run legislatures in battleground states override results favoring President-elect Joe Biden, in an unprecedented bid to alter the outcome of the election. The effort has targeted states such as Michigan, where Mr. Biden is ahead by 156,000 votes but the legislature is controlled by Republicans. So…
Deanna Paul
November 21, 2020
KOR Reads

Campaign Legal Center: Statement by Republican Trevor Potter on Attempts to Undermine the Integrity of the 2020 Election

Americans should ignore the anxiety-inducing rhetoric of this evening’s news conference and remember President Trump lacks legal authority to circumvent our nation’s election procedures WASHINGTON – Trevor Potter, President of Campaign Legal Center (CLC), a Republican former Chairman of the Federal Election Commission, and former General Counsel to John McCain’s presidential campaigns, released the following statement…
Keep Our Republic Staff
November 6, 2020
KOR Reads

The Wall Street Journal: Lawyers Prepare for Court Battles in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin

The Republican and Democratic parties have poured legal resources into three swing states where litigation could slow the tally of millions of mail-in ballots Democrats, Republicans and voting-rights groups are readying for postelection legal battles in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin—closely contested states where the late tallying of absentee ballots could result in litigation. The Trump…
Deanna Paul
October 31, 2020